A day to experience and appreciate art in your life. Inspire your Heart with Art Day is observed on the 31st of January. It encourages us to ponder over how art affects our hearts. We appreciated and value art for all sorts of reasons. It is a form of expression that can inspire, motivate or even heal both the creator and the audience of the art.

We are all surrounded by art in many forms – music playing in the background, framed paintings at home/office, wall graffiti when we drive through traffic – but how often do we take time to appreciate or experience the art around us? When was the last time you took a pencil to draw or the last time you went to a music concert or a museum? Take this day to try out different art forms and discover a new world of expression.

Today, take some time out of your life to experience or create art!

Here is what you can do today:

  • Visit the nearest museum to look at the paintings, art, and sculptures.
  • Listen to your favorite music, and this time sing along and enjoy it!
  • Paint or draw without worrying about creating something beautiful!

Art can take many forms, and each of us will find our inspiration in different arts, so why not share what inspires you on social media to celebrate this day? Tag us #KreateArt

  1. Fancy coffee? Here is a list of places across India where you can enjoy your cuppa with art by your side. You can also check out cafes that are perfect for a traveler who loves art
  2. Bangalore is known to host many artists and has some of the best cafes designed from an art standpoint. You can also check out some of the best-known art cafes in Bangalore.

Want your hand at painting but realistic art is not your genre? Have a look at some abstract art styles and get yourself started.


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