The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the annual observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities in 1992. The day aims to promote issues around disability, mobilize support for the dignity, well-being, and the rights of differently-abled.

The day also seeks to increase awareness and integrate persons who are differently-abled in every aspect of political, social, economic, and cultural life.

Did you know? 
Seattle occupies the first place in Wheelchair Travel’s ranking of the world’s most accessible destinations for people in wheelchairs!

Disability is no more seen as an ailment. People with disabilities are breaking barriers and creating a name for themselves. It is the responsibility of the government, work-spaces, and people to make the space and environment more accessible to help people with disabilities carry out their tasks effortlessly.

Here are some tips to follow to make it an inclusive environment:

  1. Make eye contact, never avoid someone with a disability.
  2. Make travel and movement disability-friendly by providing ramps at metro stations, offices, and other public spaces.
  3. Public toilets for people with disabilities should be provided. 
  4. Seek to understand the person and his or her disability before expecting to be understood.
  5. Do not victimize people with disabilities. 
  6. Don’t assume they see their disability as a tragedy. 

Remember, the potential for people with disabilities is limitless!


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