The oceans are a vast mysterious abyss that holds and give life to 228,450 species leaving approximately 2 million species as the “unknown”. It’s scarily deep and curiously amazing, to recognize, embrace and appreciate all that the oceans are, the United Nations has designated June 8th as World Oceans Day – a day for the oceans to be celebrated by humanity. It was necessary to create awareness through observance. 

Did you know?
There is enough gold in the ocean for each of us to have 9 pounds of it!
Before you have your jaw dropped, here are some interesting facts about the oceans you might have not heard of!

Technically speaking, we only know a shockingly small 5% of the ocean – especially the part that’s right below the surface. When compared, it seems that space exploration has been yielding more results instead! We need to conduct deep-sea research & explorations to understand what changes and impacts we might have on land and in nature through the same.

Turns out that with the 5% we know, the ocean is still a huge part of our lives – the biggest source of oxygen, climate control, a form of recreation, transportation – locomotion, shipping & communications, economical benefits, fisheries & aquaculture, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and genetic products. Given that we maximize our benefits with what’s available, we’re also held accountable for causing severe damage to the oceans. It’s become one of the biggest concerns as it’s leading to a destructive downward spiral of the ecosystem as a whole. This requires us to spread awareness and prioritize these issues to find solutions for the betterment of our oceans.

Several research methods and explorations have been carried out throughout the years to get a deeper understanding of our oceans. Geo-engineering, expeditions, new technological advancements, imaging, etc., have surely helped us discover new life forms and areas beyond just the surface of the ocean, especially in recent years.

What happened in 2021?

Find out some shockingly interesting discoveries about the ocean. Interested to know more? Then check out the stories of the ocean collected from 2020.


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