In-Store Asia 2018 Witnesses A Unique Display

Our work on different retail design projects from companies like Heinz, Crocs, Titan, Tropicana and many others have added value to our portfolio. That’s one of the reasons why we decided to showcase our strengths in one of India’s renowned trade show – In-Store Asia 2018.

This event, which happens once in 2 years, brings under one roof many retail brands, service providers, consultants and manufacturers. From kiosks to store fittings, lighting solutions to visual merchandising, one can find anything and everything related to the world of retail at this three-day expo. In-Store Asia was one of the first of many events that you’ll find us at in the year 2018.

Our design pavilion was decked up with some specialized merchandise such as calendars, bags and brochures in the form of design case studies from various industry verticals. These brochures were aimed to exhibit our skills in general, however, they stressed upon one particular vertical. We also had retail design solutions like the free standing unit and point-of-purchase to give the audience a sneak peek into our services. Apart from these, we had exhibited some of the store designs, branding, and retail fixtures to entice the attendees of this massive event. And we did succeed in capturing the interest of the visitors!

Overall, we had around 800 curious visitors at our stall browsing through our brochures and exploring the spectrum of services we have to offer, keen to know more about us and what we can do for their businesses. The visits didn’t stop at our stall, our website and social media profiles also had a considerable number of visits. Our stall did stand out among the long list of exhibitors at the event and quite a few industry professionals were impressed by our design process wall that detailed out our creative process.

For us as a team, we were pumped with the interest shown by the visitors at the stall and online. We’re still reeling from all the excitement. But our most important take away has to be the fact that good design speaks. At the end of the day, we are a design agency who can transform a brand using design and innovation.


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