Bicycles are a simple, clean, environmentally sustainable, and affordable means of transportation. According to studies, using a bicycle keeps you healthy and fit, reducing the risk of diseases and keeping the environment cleaner. 

Most of us know that bicycles are not just good for the waistline but our wallets too! However, before the pandemic, most of us ignored these benefits and turned towards luxury. Post-pandemic, we observed the closing down of gyms and pools and many Indians took up cycling as their daily activity. India saw a surge in demand with 15-20 percent in the year 2020 alone! 

Interesting fact
One car parking space can hold 6 to 20 parked bicycles!

For extreme adventure junkies, you can plan a trip to some scenic places across India with your bicycle. There are enough cycling routes to explore in India, but before you step ahead, don’t forget to pull out your safety gear and carry the essentials!

Did you know?
The Netherlands holds the record as the nation with the most bicycles per capita. This is a place inhabiting 23 million bicycles for a population of 17 million! 70% of journeys are made by bike in the Netherlands. Bicycles here are a popular means of transport and are used by almost everyone and are not limited to any socioeconomic group. The flat terrain of this region, infrastructure for cyclists, and convenience to travel make it feasible for cyclists to commute. 


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