World UFO Day is observed on July 02 every year to spread awareness of unidentified flying objects. Promoters of this day encourage governments to declassify their files on UFO sightings. This day is chosen after the 1947 Roswell, New Mexico incident, which is believed by many to have been a UFO crash!

Earlier, June 24 was celebrated as UFO Day, proposed by researcher Haktan Akdogan on the first reported UFO sighting in the USA by aviator Kenneth Arnold in 1947. Arnold had reported 9 unusual saucer-like flying objects in a V-shape that went at a supersonic speed (estimated to be about 2700 KMPH, that is, three times more than any powerful flying machine made by humans) over Washington. However, July 02 gained wider acceptance.

Did you know?
Most people confuse lighting, weird cloud formations, balloons, aeroplanes, missile tests or military experiments, comets, and bright planets as UFOs!

Most die-hard UFO believers celebrate this day with an alien-themed party or get-together to watch movies on sci-fi or extraterrestrial life.

Planning to binge-watch extraterrestrial movies on this day?

Here is a list of the 41 best alien movies of all time. If you are interested in similar themes like these, you can check out some Indian movies with an alien as a character!

By now, you might be fascinated by these ET stories. What if we told you that you could sight them around? Here are some best places to hunt for extraterrestrials and UFOs


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