You may think that veganism is just a diet, but it is more than that. It’s a lifestyle! People choose to become vegan for multiple reasons – health, environment, religion, and some for ethical purposes. For some, it is restricted just to their diet, and for others, it’s a conscious lifestyle change where they avoid any animal products.

World Vegan Day was established on November 1, 1994, to mark the golden jubilee of the UK Vegan society and to celebrate the term – ‘Vegan.’

Did you know?
Veganism is said to have existed for more than 2000 years, while vegetarianism came into existence 500 years before veganism.

A vegan lifestyle is about choices. It is difficult to make that immediate switch and one will often face a lot of challenges. The problem is when one feels a tremendous amount of guilt over not staying strictly vegan 24/7.

Here are a few ideas to take your first step to transitioning to a vegan:


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